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21. 10. 2019
An amendment to the Electricity Market Rules was published
Please be aware that an amendment to the Electricity Market Rules was published in the Official Gazzette of the Republic of Slovenia, N 62/2019 (18 October 2019).
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11. 10. 2019
Changes on Slovenian balancing market
Due to the Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC or formerly known as XBID), we have amended the List of products, bid restrictions and types of restrictions on the balancing market, which will be valid...
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10. 10. 2019
The termination of balance Scheme membership

As of 10 October the termination of Balance Scheme membership for company Ezpada s.r.o. will come to force.

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7. 10. 2019
Karlo Peršolja remains general manager of Borzen

The term of office of the current general manager, Mr. Karlo Peršolja, who has been running the company since 2010, expires at the end of this year.

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1. 10. 2019
Borut Rajer, Director of Operations at Borzen, re-elected as the member of the Europex Board
During a regular meeting in Zadar (Croatia) on 27 September 2019, the Europex General Assembly held elections for the upcoming mandate, where Mr. Borut Rajer, Director of Operations at Borzen, was...
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13. 9. 2019
Borezn's Annual Report 2018
We are very pleased to present the company’s Annual Report for the financial year 2018.  
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2. 8. 2019
The termination of Balance Scheme membership

As of 2 August the termination of Balance Scheme membership for company MaxiCommodities, a.s. will come to force.

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31. 7. 2019
Slovenian Feed-in Support System for Electricity from RES and High-efficiency CHP in the first half of 2019

At the end of June the feed-in system included 3,864 power plants with a combined installed capacity of 414 MWe.


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24. 7. 2019
Borzen is a proud recipient of ISO 27000 certification

We are proud to have achieved ISO 27001 Information Security Standard, which focuses on protecting confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.

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16. 7. 2019
Instructions for recording of contracts and operational forecasts for balancing service providers
According to paragraph 2 of Article 61 of the Electricity Market Rules, Borzen publishes additional instructions on recording for balancing service providers, when they act as providers of aFRR...
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