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Electricity Production Support

The Support for Electricity Production (Support Scheme) serves as a state aid instrument designed to facilitate investments in environmentally friendly methods of generating the electricity needed to meet national targets for the share of renewable sources in final energy consumption. Achieved through elevated feed-in tariffs, this initiative plays a pivotal role in encouraging the development of sustainable energy sources.

Electricity from ECO group

In accordance with Article 24 of the Rules for the operation of the Centre for RES/CHP support (Official Gazzette RS no. 88/16 and 172/21 – ZOEE) Borzen may sell the electricity from the ECO Group directly on the market or indirectly by transferring the whole ECO group to another Balance Scheme Member’s balancing group or subgroup. 

Starting from 2016 the electricity produced within the ECO Group is being sold indirectly by the transfer of the whole ECO Group to another Balance Scheme Member’s balancing group or subgroup. 

Auction for the Transfer of the ECO Group for 2023 

Borzen, the Slovenian power market operator, acting on behalf of the Centre for RES/CHP Support and in accordance with the Article 18 of the Rules on the operation of Centre for RES/CHP Support (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 88/16 and 172/21 – ZOEE) and the Rules for the Transfer of the ECO Group – Centre for RES/CHP Support for 2023 (in Slovenian) carried out the auction for the Transfer of the ECO Group for 2023 on Thursday, 20. 10. 2022. The auction was conducted through the BSP Southpool trading platform EuroMarket. The final results of the auction are available below. 

