The core activity of Borzen is the provision of the public service of electricity market operator and a compulsory national public service of the Centre for Support.
Our work consists of two major sections:
Market Operator Activity
As a market operator, our services ensure and facilitate the harmonised operation of the Slovenian electricity system and transparency in the electricity market. We carry out the tasks of managing the balance scheme, recording bilateral contracts, drawing up the indicative timetable, and balance clearing and financial settlement of transactions related to the above tasks.
Centre for RES/CHP support
As a Centre for RES/CHP support, we operate the support scheme for electricity production from renewable energy sources and high-efficiency combined heat and power. We also award other subsidies or grants in the field of renewable energy through public calls for tenders. In addition, we operate and technically manage the Guarantees of Origin in the Republic of Slovenia, which is a fundamental tool for ensuring traceability of the origin of electricity produced in Slovenia. Under our brand »Sustainable Energy« (Trajnostna energija), we carry out information, awareness-raising and training activities on renewable energy sources and the efficient use of energy, thus supporting environmental policies through public awareness-raising. The Renewable Energy Focal Point promotes investment in renewable energy through its services.
Borzen is responsible for promoting the development of the Slovenian electricity market, its efficiency and market mechanisms in accordance with the EU guidelines. By systematically regulating the Slovenian electricity market and harmonising the Slovenian legislation with the European norms, we have a significant impact on the integration of the Slovenian market into a single European market.
Through our dedicated work, we actively participate in shaping both the Slovenian and European energy trends, by co-creating the domestic and international energy environment on a daily basis.
At Borzen we strive for
sustainable development and expansion of the market and our services;
transparent and safe business operation;
reliability and quality of our services;
integration of the Slovenian electricity market into the international environment;
complete provision of information for market participants;
environmental awareness.