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Recording of Contracts

The recording of closed contracts and operational forecasts is the basis for the preparation of the Balance Scheme members’ market plans and for the preparation of the indicative operating schedule of the TSO, which is subsequently used for the calculation of the imbalance settlement.

Recording of closed contracts

The recording of closed contracts and operational forecasts is the basis for the preparation of the Balance Scheme members’ market plans and for the preparation of the indicative operating schedule of the TSO, which is subsequently used for the calculation of the imbalance settlement.

Contact information:

Under current legislation, every closed contract must be recorded with the market operator. The members of the Balance Scheme are required to report all closed contracts concluded between the members of the Balance Scheme, all export and import closed contracts and transactions concluded on the energy exchange for the day ahead. The market operator calculates the market plan of the members of the Balance Scheme based on the quantities of electricity sold and purchased in the recorded closed contracts.

The members of the Balance Scheme are also required to report daily operational forecasts for supply and consumption for the delivery points that belong to their Balance Group. The balancing affiliation of the delivery points is determined in the open contracts concluded among the suppliers and the consumers or producers of electricity.

The reporting of closed contracts and operational forecasts is carried out on a daily basis using the online application for the reporting of closed contracts and operational forecasts, which is accessed by the Balance Group Responsible Parties who submit reports for their hierarchically inferior members as well.

The introduction of the Single Intra-Day Market Coupling (SIDC or formerly known as XBID) allows the reporting of quantities in closed contracts using cross-border transmission capacity to three decimal places.


The deadline for recording of closed contracts and operational forecasts 

The deadline for recording of closed contracts and operational forecasts

Closed contracts and operational forecasts must be recorded by 14:30 CET (15:30* / 16:00* CET) or (15:00** / 15:30** CET) each day for the following day. Closed contracts and operational forecasts concluded after the deadline for recording and changes of already recorded closed contracts must be recorded not later than two working days after the delivery day until 10:00 CET.
Recording restriction Recording of closed contracts and operational forecast for day-ahead nomination is not possible from 14:30 CET (15:30*/16:00* CET) or (15:00** / 15:30** CET) until 16:30 CET.

*Recording deadlines in case of multilateral IBWT or bilateral decoupling.

**Deadlines apply until the start of the “Core Flow-Based Market Coupling” project.

In the event of systemic or human errors leading to a disruption of the coupling of the Slovenian exchange market at the Italian border and, consequently, to a delay in the deadlines for the recording of the results, the timelines for the recording of the results would exceed the deadlines in the current timetable for the recording of closed contracts and operational forecasts. In the event of a decoupling, the Market Operator shall inform all Balance Scheme members through the scheduling application and allow recording according to the revised schedule.

The deadline for recording of closed contracts and operational forecasts is moved from 14:30 CET to 15:30 CET. The application gate closure is moved to the period from 15:30 CET to 16:30 CET. The market operator notifies all Balance Scheme members via the scheduling application.

The deadline is further extended to 16:00 CET. The application gate closure is moved to the period from 16:00 to 16:30 CET. The market operator notifies all Balance Scheme members via the scheduling application.

**Deadlines for recording of closed contracts and operational forecasts in case of delays in publication of multilateral market coupling results or full decoupling. The deadlines are valid from the start date of the "Core Flow-Based Market coupling" project.

In the event of a message received with a designated code from the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (hereinafter: NEMOs), the deadline for submitting closed contracts and operational forecasts is postponed from 14:30 to 15:00 CET. The application gate closure is moved to the period from 15:00 to 16:30 CET. The market operator notifies all balance scheme members via the scheduling application.

Message code expected to be received at 13:50 CET:

  • ExC_03b: Further delay of the Market Coupling Session,
  • UMM_01c: Delay in Local Market Results publication (after a Partial Decoupling, for the decoupled Core NEMO Trading Hub(s)),
  • UMM_06b: Nomination process delayed.

In the event of a message received with a designated code from the NEMOs, the deadline for submitting closed contracts and operational forecasts is further postponed from 15:00 to 15:30 CET. The application gate closure is moved to the period from 15:30 to 16:30 CET. The market operator notifies all Balance Scheme members via the scheduling application.
Message code expected to be received at 14:20 CET:

  • ExC_04b: Full Decoupling,
  • UMM_01d: Delay in Local Market Results publication (after a Partial Decoupling, for the decoupled Core NEMO Trading Hub(s)),
  • UMM_06c: Nomination process delayed.
Matching process for Day ahead (D-1):
14:00 (D-1) First Internal Matching
14:15 (D-1) Second Internal Matching
14:30 (D-1) Third Internal Matching and Gate Closure Time
14:45 (D-1) Matching of Cross-Border Nominations
Matching process for recording and changes of already recorded closed contracts (D+2):
10:00 (D+1 – ordinary day) Internal Matching and Matching of Cross-Border Nominations
9:30 (D+2 – working day) Internal Matching and Matching of Cross-Border Nominations
9:45 (D+2 – working day) Internal Matching and Matching of Cross-Border Nominations
10:00 (D+2 – working day) Internal Matching and Matching of Cross-Border Nominations and Gate Closure Time with CUT-OFF (in case of mismatch, the submission in accordance with Article 53 of the Rules on the operation of the electricity market shall apply).

Internal Matching and Matching of Cross Cross-Border Nominations includes the receipt of a Confirmation Report and a possible Anomaly Report. If a report is received, the next report is generated only in case of changes to its nomination.

Due to unforeseen situations or for other reasons, the market operator can initiate the Matching process also at other times, which does not affect the deadlines for reporting closed contracts and operational forecasts.

Please read the
additional instructions.