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Balance Scheme

The electricity market is hierarchically organised into a Balance Scheme. Any legal or natural person who wants to actively operate in the Slovenian electricity market is required to become a member of the Balance Scheme.

Management of the Balance Scheme

The electricity market is hierarchically organised into a Balance Scheme. Any legal or natural person who wants to actively operate in the Slovenian electricity market is required to become a member of the Balance Scheme.

Contact information:

Members of the Balance Scheme

Members of the Balance Scheme may operate in the electricity market in the following capacities:

  • Traders who buy or sell electricity (closed contracts),
  • Suppliers who, in addition to trading electricity, are also responsible for supplying electricity to consumers and for purchasing electricity from electricity producers (open contracts).

Other Members of the Balance Scheme

The members of the Balance Scheme also include the combined transmission and distribution system operator, the energy exchange and the Eco Group (set up by Borzen's Centre for Support).

Balancing Agreements

The membership and structure of the Balance Scheme are determined by the balancing agreements concluded with the Market Operator and compensation agreements concluded with the Balance Scheme members. The Market Operator, which is the head of the Balance Scheme, ensures the delivery of balancing energy to the Balance Groups through balancing agreements. The physical balancing of the electricity system is carried out by the combined transmission and distribution system operator ELES. The Market Operator manages the record of the Balance Scheme membership agreements, keeps them up-to-date and publishes them publically on its website.

Entry into the Balance Scheme

There are two ways for market participants to join the Balance Scheme:

  • By concluding the Balancing Agreement with the Market Operator,
  • By concluding the Compensation Agreement with an existing member of the Balance Scheme.

Membership in the Balance Scheme is a prerequisite for market participants to record closed contracts and operational forecasts with the Market Operator.



Establishment of Balance Groups

All legal or natural persons interested in setting up a Balance Group and becoming active members of the electricity markets are required to submit an application to acquire the status of the Balance Group Responsible Party, together with all the necessary evidence of eligibility.

Contact information:

The required supporting documents for meeting the eligibility conditions are the following:

  • A tax registration certificate or VAT identification number if the applicant is a person taxable for value-added tax;
  • An extract from the judicial record or equivalent record, including the latest amendments, unless the Market Operator can obtain the extract from the Slovenian public electronic records free of charge;
  • A certificate from the applicant’s criminal record indicating that the applicant (legal entity or natural person) has no (criminal) convictions, or, if the applicant is a legal person, a certificate from the applicant’s legal representative’s criminal record indicating that the applicant’s legal representative has no (criminal) convictions;
  • A copy of the company’s balance sheet and income statement and/or annual report for the last three financial years or, in the case of a shorter period of operation, for the entire period of operation. The documents must indicate short-term solvency, permanent liquidity and long-term solvency, as well as capital adequacy in accordance with the provisions of the Slovenian Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings, and Compulsory Dissolution Act;
  • A document proving the legal authority of the person signing the application and subsequently the balancing agreement (in case this is not evident from the court or equivalent register).

The registration procedure and the conditions for entry into the Balance Scheme are set out in more detail in Chapter 3 of the Rules on the operation of the electricity market (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No 163/22).

A Balance Group may start operating on the electricity market after signing a balancing agreement and after submitting the relevant financial guarantees and meeting all required conditions.

Establishment of Balance Subgroups

In order for a Balance Subgroup to be included in the Balance Scheme, the Balance Group Responsible Party, the Balance Subgroup Responsible Party or the person entering the Balancing Scheme is required to submit a request for the inclusion in the Balance Scheme.


A compensation agreement is an agreement concluded between a market participant that is included in the Balance Scheme and a legal or natural person that is included in the Balance Scheme as a new market participant by virtue of the said agreement.

The compensation agreement shall contain the elements set out in Article 22(4) of the Rules on the operation of the electricity market (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No 163/22), namely:

  • The date of entry into force of the compensation agreement, including the provision that determines that the agreement in question shall become effective no earlier than on the day entered in the Record of Balance Scheme membership agreements;
  • The date of expiry of the compensation agreement or a provision of its indefinite time validity, together with the provision that even in the case of the withdrawal of the compensation agreement, it cannot cease to have effect before the deadlines specified in Articles 43 and 45 of the Rules;
  • The provisions on reasons for termination with a notice period which shall meet all the conditions concerning the enforcement day referred to in Articles 43 and 45 of the Rules;
  • a clause stipulating that a Balance Scheme member wishes to include a hierarchically inferior Balance Scheme member into its own Balance Group or Subgroup as the responsible party of the hierarchically inferior Balance Subgroup;
  • A clause stipulating that the balance of the Balance Subgroup of the hierarchically inferior Balance Scheme member is settled through the balance of the Balance Group or Subgroup of the hierarchically superior Balance Scheme member.

Balance Scheme Members

Balance Scheme Members

To view the list of the Balance Scheme members, click on the link.