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  • Published: 21. 10. 2019
  • In category: News
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An amendment to the Electricity Market Rules was published

Please be aware that an amendment to the Electricity Market Rules was published in the Official Gazzette of the Republic of Slovenia, N 62/2019 (18 October 2019).

This amendment postpones the switch from 1h to 15min imbalance settlement period (ISP) from 1.1.2020 to 1.1.2021. Furthermore, it specifies more in detail the data that TSO/DSO will send to market participants in order to prepare for the transition. The test data shall be sent for the period from January 2019 until the actual transition to the 15min ISP (1.1.2021). The format shall be the same as for current, 1h imbalance settlement procedures. Borzen shall publish on its website basic 15min imbalance prices for the same period, based on TSO cost input data.

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