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  • Published: 18. 10. 2022
  • In category: News
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Mr Borut Rajer appointed as General Manager of Borzen for a five-year term

The Supervisory Board of Borzen appointed Mr Borut Rajer, MSc to the position of General Manager of the company for a full term of five years, effective 1 November 2022.

Mr Rajer, whose career has been closely intertwined with energy for almost two decades, is an economist and statistician by training. For several years, he was Director of Operations at Borzen, where he was involved in the development of the Slovenian energy market. Throughout the years, he has also been active in the field of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. Mr Rajer also participates in several Slovenian and international working groups. Since January 2018, he has been a member of the Board of Directors at EuroPEX, the association of European energy exchanges, currently serving his third term and previously occupying a position of the head of the working group for environmental markets. Mr Rajer has also been a speaker at various professional events and is also the author of several professional articles. He is also very keen to share his knowledge with younger generations, namely for years, he has been a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana.

Upon his appointment, Mr Rajer pointed out, “The energy sector is going through uncertain times, which by their nature dictate change – change in the market and all stakeholders, in our habits and perceptions, changes in the development of new technologies and their integration into the natural and social environment. Borzen is facing a period of challenges, both in the area of market operation and Support Centre operations. I have confidence in my team and I believe that together we will succeed.”

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