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The Platform for Balancing Energy

The Platform for Balancing Energy is a technologically supported organised form of collecting and engaging bids for the sale and purchase of balancing energy with the aim of settling imbalances in the electricity system in a transparent and economically efficient manner.

The Platform for Balancing Energy

The Platform for Balancing Energy is a technologically supported organised form of collecting and engaging bids for the sale and purchase of balancing energy with the aim of settling imbalances in the electricity system in a transparent and economically efficient manner.

Entry to the balancing market:

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Trading on the Platform for Balancing Energy is implemented through a platform for collecting purchase and sale bids for electricity through which the System Operator (ELES) buys and sells electricity intended for the settlement of imbalances in the electricity system. Trading on the platform for the balancing energy is carried out together with Intra-day trading, and further on, one hour after the closure of the Intra-day trading and until actual supply of the product. All companies included in the Balance Scheme of the electricity market and which acceded to trading on the Platform for the Balancing Energy and intra-day trading can participate in trading.

Trading Schedule

Trading on the Platform for Balancing Energy is carried out 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and at most one day in advance. Trading with hourly, 15-minute, base-load and peak-load products is enabled.

15-minute, Hourly, Base-load and Peak-load Products

15-minute, hourly, base-load, and peak-load products are available for trading from 15:00 p.m. each day before the start of actual supply. Entry and concluding transactions with these products are possible up to the start of actual supply.

Implementation of Platform for Balancing Energy

In implementing the Platform for Balancing Energy, Borzen co-operates with the BSP SouthPool energy exchange, which offers a trading platform for the implementation of the Platform for balancing energy with all necessary functionalities.

For more detailed information, please see the Rules on the Organisation of the Market Operator's Platform for Balancing Energy.

Clearing and Financial Settlement of Transactions Concluded on the Platform for Balancing Energy

Clearing and Financial Settlement of claims and liabilities arising from the Platform for Balancing Energy is carried out by the Clearing Agent. Clearing Agent is liable for the fulfilment of financial liabilities for transactions concluded on the Platform for Balancing Energy in the scope of submitted and redeemable financial guarantees.

Financial settlement of transactions concluded on the Platform for Balancing Energy is executed one (1) business day after the issuing of invoices. Detailed explanation regarding the Clearing and Financial Settlement of the transactions concluded on the Platform for Balancing Energy is available in the Clearing Rules.  


Polona Kumelj

Spremembe pri dodeljevanju nepovratnih sredstev za investicije v obnovljive vire energije

Skladno z usmeritvami Ministrstva za okolje, podnebje in energijo je Borzenov center za podpore v Uradnem listu št. 124/2023 z dne 8. 12. 2023, objavil dopolnitev javnega poziva JP-OVE-01

Ključne dopolnitve se nanašajo na povišanje skupnih sredstev, ki so na voljo za omenjene investicije in sicer iz prejšnjih 80 milijonov EUR na 105 milijonov EUR, pri tem pa se:

  • sklop 1, ki vključuje investicije v proizvodne naprave za proizvodnjo električne energije iz fotonapetostne ali druge sončne energije (to so: fotonapetostne elektrarne, fotonapetostne skupnostne elektrarne, fotonapetostne elektrarne s kulturno-varstvenim soglasjem in fotonapetostne elektrarne, ki bodo pokrivale zunanje nepokrite parkirne prostore) zapira, torej oddaja vlog ni več mogoča, in
  • sklopu 4, ki vključuje soproizvodnjo električne energije in toplote iz lesne biomase, povišujejo skupna sredstva, ki so na voljo, in sicer iz 15 milijonov EUR na 40 milijonov EUR.

Višine sredstev, ki so na voljo za ostale sklope, torej investicije v proizvodne naprave za proizvodnjo električne energije iz vetrne in vodne energije ter soproizvodnjo iz geotermalne energije in bioplina ter proizvodnjo toplote iz lesne biomase, investicije v toplotne črpalke, toplotne sprejemnike sončne energije, hranilnike električne energije ter hranilnike toplote, ostajajo nespremenjene, prav tako tudi vsi pogoji ter način in rok za predložitev elektronskih vlog.

Razpoložljiva sredstva po uveljavitvi spremembe Javnega poziva JP-OVE-01 po posameznih sklopih so razdeljena na naslednji način:

Sklopi proizvodnih naprav

Razpoložljiva sredstva v mio EUR

Sklop1: Proizvodnja električne energije iz fotonapetostne ali druge sončne energije


Sklop 2: Proizvodnja električne energije iz vetrne energije


Sklop 3: Proizvodnja električne energije iz vodne energije, soproizvodnja iz geotermalne energije, soproizvodnja iz bioplina


Sklop 4: Soproizvodnja električne energije in toplote iz lesne biomase


Sklop 5: Toplotne črpalke in toplotni sprejemniki sončne energije z inštalirano izhodno toplotno močjo večjo od 50kW




Spremembe začnejo veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije. 

V prihodnje je predvidena objava novega javnega poziva za dodelitev pomoči v obliki neposrednih nepovratnih sredstev za investicije v nove proizvodne naprave iz obnovljivih virov energije za proizvodnjo električne energije in toplote ter za hranilnike električne energije in toplote v kombinaciji s proizvodnjo energije, kjer bodo na voljo dodatna finančna sredstva.

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