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Guarantees of Origin

A certificate of origin is an electronic certificate that proves that a certain amount of electricity from a certain energy source has been produced by a certain generating installation during a certain period of time.

Guarantees of Origin (GoO) are certificates that state that a certain amount of electricity was produced in a certain (usually “green”) manner. 

The purpose of the introduction of GoOs is to promote the trading with electricity produced from renewable energy sources or in cogeneration facilities, and to improve the transparency in the electricity market. The introduction of GoOs for electricity is required by two European directives - Directive 2001/77/EC on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market, and Directive 2004/8/EC on the promotion of cogeneration based on a useful heat demand in the internal energy market. In 2007 the existing GoO central database was upgraded to the GoO Registry as a result of the cooperation between the Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (AGEN-RS) and Borzen, the Slovenian Power Market Operator. AGEN-RS is the issuing body for the Slovenian domain, while Borzen administers the Registry application. 

The Registry enables a user-friendly management of GoOs that includes the following functions: 

  • entry of measurements data by system operators, 

  • issue of GoOs, 

  • transfer of GoOs on another account, 

  • export of GoOs from the Registry system, 

  • import of GoOs (or conversion of RECS green certificates) into the Registry system, 

  • redemption of GoOs, 

  • generation of reports (public list of registered devices; availability of other reports depends on the user level), 

  • GoO bulletin-board style exchange. 

Users may register as “producers” or “traders”. The Registry is currently available on the following  link