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25. 3. 2019
Slovenian Feed-in Support System for Electricity from RES and High-efficiency CHP in 2018
At the end of 2018 the feed-in system included 3.859 power plants with a combined installed capacity of 412 MWe.     
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1. 1. 2019
2019 brings changes to Slovenian Balance Scheme

As of 1 January 2019, certain changes have occurred in the Balance Scheme.

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25. 10. 2018
Slovenian Feed-in Support System for Electricity from RES and High-efficiency CHP in the first nine months of 2018

On 30.9.2018 the feed-in system included 3.866 power plants with a combined installed capacity of 409,5The trend of rising payments has stabilized in 2015. 

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23. 10. 2018
Auction for the Transfer of the ECO Group Centre for RES/CHP Support for 2019
Borzen, the Slovenian power market operator, in performing its role as Centre for RES/CHP support will sell the electricity from the EKO Group for the year 2019 in the same way as in the previous...
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13. 9. 2018
Borzen organized a workshop Exchange of experience in the operation of Market Operator and PX
Borzen organized a workshop »Exchange of experience in the operation of Market Operator and PX” for the representatives of Georgia power market operator ESCO and Georgian National...
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12. 9. 2018
POWERMART entered the Slovenian Balance Scheme

Company POWERMART ApS entered the Slovenian energy market. 

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6. 9. 2018
EZPADA AG - a new Balance Scheme member

Company EZPADA AG is enetring the Slovenian electricity market on 6 September with Balance Scheme Responsible status. 

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29. 8. 2018
New Balance Group Member

As of 29 August G O ENERGY GAS & OIL SA is a new member of Slovenian Balance scheme. 

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8. 8. 2018
Technical assistance to Macedonia to establish an Organised Day-ahead Market for Electricity completed by Borzen and BSP
lt;p>Borzen, operater trga z elektriko, d. o. o. (together with subcontractor BSP Energetska borza, d. o. o.) has duly carried out the project "Technical assistance to FYR of Macedonia to...
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2. 8. 2018
Slovenian Feed-in Support System for Electricity from RES and High-efficiency CHP in the first half of 2018

On 30 June 2018 the feed-in system included 3.879 power plants with a combined installed capacity of 410 MWe

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